javascript developer salary

Javascript Developer Salary for Freshers in India

Apr 4, 2023

In recent years, Javascript has become one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, with its popularity increasing rapidly in India as well. As a result, the demand for skilled Javascript developers has skyrocketed, and so has the salary offered to freshers in this field. In this article, we will explore the average Javascript developer salary for freshers in India.


It’s important to understand that the salary of a Javascript developer can vary significantly depending on various factors such as location, company size, job responsibilities, and skills. Typically, Javascript developers in metropolitan cities such as Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi tend to earn more than those in smaller cities due to the higher cost of living in these areas.

As per recent job market reports, the average salary for a fresher Javascript developer in India is around 4-6 lakh per annum. However, this figure can vary depending on the job profile and company. For instance, entry-level roles such as Junior Javascript Developer or Trainee Javascript Developer typically offer a lower salary range of 2-4 lakh per annum. In contrast, Senior Javascript Developers with 3-5 years of experience can earn upwards of 8-10 lakh per annum.

Javascript Developers Career

Moreover, factors such as the type of company also play a significant role in determining the salary of a Javascript developer. Startups or small companies may offer lower salaries as compared to established tech giants or MNCs. On the other hand, companies with a focus on cutting-edge technologies or specialized domains such as fintech, e-commerce, or healthcare may offer higher salaries to attract top talent.

Another critical factor that affects the salary of a Javascript developer is their skill set. A fresher with a strong foundation in Javascript fundamentals and additional skills such as React, Angular, Vue, Node.js, and SQL can expect to earn more than someone with only basic Javascript knowledge. Therefore, it’s essential for freshers to continually upskill and stay updated with the latest technologies and tools in the Javascript ecosystem to remain competitive in the job market.



Apart from the base salary, several companies offer additional benefits such as health insurance, provident fund, performance-based bonuses, and stock options. These benefits can significantly impact the overall compensation package of a Javascript developer.

The Javascript developer salary for freshers in India is on the rise due to the growing demand for skilled developers in this field. While the average salary for a fresher Javascript developer ranges from 4-6 lakh per annum, several factors such as location, company size, job profile, and skills can significantly impact the salary package. It is important for freshers to continually upskill themselves and stay updated with the latest technologies to remain competitive in the job market and secure higher compensation packages.

For more info or Javascript development training in Kolkata contact 99Edu Institute.

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